AIS Certified Company

  • copertine
    Italy divided into 7 charts
  • LI 6 Malta
    Malta is included in the LI-6 chart
  • LI2 pianura padana
    Po Valley in a single chart (LI-2)
  • Cartografia Avioportolano 2017 Dettagli
    Improved readability
  • Cartografia Avioportolano 2017 Legenda Tecnica
    Comprehensive aeronautical information
  • Cartografia Avioportolano 2017 Legenda Turismo E Servizi
    Easy-to-read tourism and services icons

The Avioportolano aeronautical charts are published annually (generally within the month of April). They are characterised and appreciated in Italy and in Europe for the quality of the information and for the excellent graphics that optimise the readability without penalising the background geographic information. They are the only national charts that show the entire network of Italian airports and private runways.



Avioportolano chart products are approved in accordance with the ICAO provisions and standards. On 2009 ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) issued a document (Aeronautical Charts - Annex 4 - To the Convention on International Civil Aviation) in which the aeronautical charts for air navigation are described in detail. The aim is to orient all the producers towards an identical standard of representation so that there is homogeneity and sharing between the different countries. We report below the correct correspondence of the Avioportolano aeronautical charts to the main ICAO directives and our variations - provided by the same standard - left to the discretion of the manufacturer.

Click to enlarge


In official aviation charts, the ground elevation is represented with contour lines just as in the marine charts the seabed is represented with bathymetric lines. Instead in almost all aviation charts produced by private entities, the altitude is represented by brushstrokes of fantasy colour that have nothing to do with the reality of altitude itself. For this reason, this type of representation is called "pictorial representation" and has always been used in automobile maps. For the sake of convenience and in order to remedy the dangers associated with this choice, grids have been introduced which indicate the "Minimum Altitudes in the sector" at the level of which it would be safe to fly. Thirteen years ago Avioportolano used the geographical base of automotive derivation produced by De Agostini. From 2015 we have conformed to the highest levels of topographic representation of the terrain suitable for aeronautical use.


  • LI-1 Italy - North
  • LI-2 Italy - Po Valley
  • LI-3 Italy - North/Central
  • LI-4 Italy - South/Central
  • LI-5 Italy - South
  • LI-6 Italy - Sicily and Malta
  • LI-7 Italy - Sardinia and Corsica


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